The Hidden Main Stream

Recently, a podcast my husband listens to talked about a subject that rather struck a nerve with me, because it is something that resonates hard with me. It was a Star Wars PodCast and they were talking about displaying (or more to the point – hiding) your nerdy/sci-fi/geeky self to the public. This even canContinue reading “The Hidden Main Stream”

The Halfway Point

Ok, firstly I have to say WHOA… I’m a little mortified that it’s been two months since I last posted!  Holy cow, how time flies.  It’s been flying and I’ve been busy busy busy and enjoying every second I can.  I have a lot of years to make up for if I can, and I’veContinue reading “The Halfway Point”

Painting and Driving

Well, this weekend has been super awesome in terms of weather!  It did rain during the week a little, and despite that, we still managed to get work done on the horse trailer.  The outside is 98% painted, the inside is 100% painted.  Next step is to finish some trim on the outside, make myContinue reading “Painting and Driving”

Pages and pages and frustrations and legs…

This has been a stressful week!  I’ve been completely wigged out over Chewie’s blown up leg, which yes, it went down about 12 hours after I found him limping with a huge fetlock (ankle for you non-horse people….) My horse is doing better, but I am still having some difficulty getting him managed properly.  HeContinue reading “Pages and pages and frustrations and legs…”

2 days, twice the practice, 4 times the horses! Lot of pictures!!!

I managed to get in a fair bit of photography practice this weekend… with the  WWII  from yesterday and then the horses today!  I worked 2 horses yesterday and got 2 worked today also. I had a FANTASTIC RIDE on Chewbacca today.  (As usual!)  I am SOOOOO happy with that horse, I just cannot beginContinue reading “2 days, twice the practice, 4 times the horses! Lot of pictures!!!”

Not exactly instilled with confidence…

As nice as it could be to own a once expensive imported Oldenburg, it really does not sound like the horse is going to work out.  I have not heard from the owner’s vet yet to discuss the horse and the most recent xrays it’s had.  I came across the ad for the horse fromContinue reading “Not exactly instilled with confidence…”

Predators: movie in review

So last night I did get to get out and see Predators.  Now, as I was going in to seeing Predators with the thoughts of the last 2 movies in mind (AVP and AVP:Requiem), I was not expecting Predators to be much more than just a popcorn flick and decently fun movie.  I did haveContinue reading “Predators: movie in review”

Let’s talk about something other than horses…

While horses are still a major part of my mindset every day, I would like to talk about another love of mine because horses aren’t the only thing.  I also love science fiction. All things science fiction, but years and years ago, when I was 11 or 12, I saw a movie on TV called Predator 2.  Ok,Continue reading “Let’s talk about something other than horses…”

I have a horse in hand…

Well… my husband at this point has been telling me to stop being so negative; obviously I feel this draft cross horse is 100% what I’ve been looking for and I felt he was worth the trouble of getting him this morning, making my trainer come in to work on her off day to takeContinue reading “I have a horse in hand…”

Reasons to be happy today!

No, it doesn’t have to do with horses.   My husband had his biopsy yesterday, and after a very long day, which involved of sitting in a surgical waiting lobby at a very busy hospital, listening to a family nearby be loud and cackle laughs and play their PSP’s and cell phones too loud, the doctorContinue reading “Reasons to be happy today!”